I wish you the most warm "Welcome" in the web site of my Parisian Musical "WOOF WOOF" ©, for the moment, in French language.


Here we will talk about the most precious possession of life among all living beings on our planet Earth: LOVE.


I created "WOOF WOOF" where everything is the fruit of my imagination, research and my observation of things in life.


The most important of my funny story in this piece will take place in a Psychoanalyst Cabinet unlike any other in the PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL OF SANTA ANA (by the way this is my family’s name), in the City of Paris where dogs of different breeds who will be represented by actors and actresses dressed and made up will be in consultation, with their own character and different psychological problem thanks to humans, reason for which they are there, one by one on the couch, and treated case by case, by a "Canine Psychoanalyst", who is also a dog of the Saint Bernard breed.


Each canine psychological problem will be revealed when it is told singing in music during the consultation by the sick dog. The basic principle is to make a series of funny stories to make the audience laugh, this Comedy must be well animated by gaiety, so that everyone are happy!


In addition to my idea, the music and texts I composed, I took care of as much detail as possible in my characters, their clothing, drawings, lights and decorations, oil paintings, each scenario different from an unusual Paris very little known of everybody, which will make big surprises in the public, whose actors and actresses will have to dance and sing to present their psychological problems …… eeuuhh !, of course I speak of the problems of the dogs and not of the actors and actresses.


I created everything by myself, but also helped by adorable people from different backgrounds, full of love and enthusiasm, in a strong and experienced team, big thanks to them.


I invite you to click at the bottom of this page in the house of "WOOF WOOF" to see more informations of my Musical in the process of taking the stage. I wish you a good visit and do not hesitate to contact me for further information, thank you very much.




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