Chihuahua breed, female, must be small, because she will represent the smallest dog in the world, and face too cute, have pretty shapes to wear a mini-skirt, in order to dance well to music STYLE "Country music ".


Her main concern is her Husband because the Great Danes cannot live more than ten years, on the other hand, all the Chihuahua dogs of her family have lived up to 24 years. She is afraid to be alone soon because by nature she is fearful.


Suitable for a soprano voice. With his gentle, protective, cuddly and sociable character for sing ME, PEPITA CHIHUAHUA.


Serious psychological problems due to its small size. Suffers from inferiority issues and big worries about her husband's age. That's why she keeps barking all the time. Reason why she also plans to do the Psychoanalysis work with our Doctor Doogy-Cool.





SCENE: Little street in village of hill Montmartre

with little houses like in Countryside.

3 pages de partition: