3 pages of score:




Our character is a female of the English Bull-Dog breed who gives an impression of determination, strength and activity. Lively, bold, loyal, trustworthy, courageous, endowed with a loving nature, he is also very docile and kind to children, even from an early age.


It is the story of a dog who anguishes a lot because she is too fat, but above all because she does not have, her obsession, the pretty face and beautiful body to become a movie star, attracts male glances, who want to be because she eats a lot, way too much.


She feels the need for a Psych to find a personality more suited to reality, and better understand why she has also become fat but also why she has a compulsive "flirt" of males.


Suitable for a young mezzo-soprano girl, with a chunky build, but who can dance as funny or as gracefully as possible. Her song "SEE YOU IN 10 YEARS, MAY BE, 20 YEARS".